" If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution 
inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, 
we should look to limit those guarantees." 

-- William J. Clinton

The Libertarian Party
Laissez-Faire City Times
We The People
Gun Truths
Home School Legal Defense Assn

World Net Daily
The Drudge Report
Wired News
Front Page Magazine
Cato Institute
WSJ Opinion Journal
The Libertarian Enterprise
Laissez-Faire City Times
Neal Boortz
The Obscure Store
NOTE: We do not necessarily agree with all our sources' opinions



Thursday, November 01, 2001

Halloween has come and gone... and left me with a conundrum.

Halloween is (normally) big in El Paso, thanks to El Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, only a few miles away. Busloads of children would cross into the US looking for goodies, and I would happily supply them. Two years ago no fewer than 200 children came to my door.

This year, thanks apparently to new restrictions on the border, I was only able to sweeten the hearts of a few dozen children. Now I am left with tons of treats -- and I'm on a diet.


posted by John Hoffman at 10:51 AM

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

Here is another alarmist article, having to do with the creation of "Homeland Security" checkpoints inside the United States. I was rather skeptical about it, but apparently it has been partially confirmed, via talk radio in Michigan. I'll post more details when I get them.

posted by John Hoffman at 5:39 AM

A friend sent this little page in my direction. I couldn't tell you how accurate the article is, but if there really are 600 internment camps, prepped to receive prisoners, throughout the United States, then I would be very concerned for the future.

posted by John Hoffman at 4:38 AM

Sunday, October 28, 2001

"If you're not guilty, then what have you got to hide?"

posted by John Hoffman at 2:57 PM is a weblog providing news on the subject of individual liberty.