" If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution 
inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, 
we should look to limit those guarantees." 

-- William J. Clinton

The Libertarian Party
Laissez-Faire City Times
We The People
Gun Truths
Home School Legal Defense Assn

World Net Daily
The Drudge Report
Wired News
Front Page Magazine
Cato Institute
WSJ Opinion Journal
The Libertarian Enterprise
Laissez-Faire City Times
Neal Boortz
The Obscure Store
NOTE: We do not necessarily agree with all our sources' opinions



Wednesday, December 19, 2001

More on stamps... In the near future, if you want to mail a letter, you'll have to present your ID.

Stamps will be serialized and matched with the sender (or at least the person who bought the stamps) when they are scanned in the post office. A lot of the infrastructure for this sort of system is already in place.

posted by John Hoffman at 9:15 PM

Monday, December 17, 2001

It looks like, if you don't like stamps with American flags on them, you may be investigated as a subversive.

I personally like the American flag. I don't see it as a statist symbol; I feel it is a symbol of freedom. (And I think the Statue of Liberty is, if anything, more broken as a symbol than the flag.) But symbol's meaning contrasts sharply with the incident, and clearly shows what's happening to our liberty.

In other news -- are you still worried about the National ID card? The one that's already being tried out inside the US military? Well, now it's time to fear the International ID card too...

posted by John Hoffman at 10:36 PM is a weblog providing news on the subject of individual liberty.